Pivoting Towards The New Normal & A Better Future

“If you flip, you flop.” That was the sage advice that one of my University lecturers in business strategy passed onto me and the others in my class, 25 years ago.  Was he referring to rubber footwear? Well given that he was Australian and they refer to them as thongs, not flipflop’s the answer is […]

How do you take action?

The final part of a 7-part series. How change led to a journey of self discovery “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”  (Helen Keller) So what did I learn overall?  Summarising my previous posts: Start with yourself Get feedback and work on one priority area of self-development Take control […]

Do you have enough joy in your life?

Part 6 of a series – How change led to a journey of self-discovery “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair…”  (Susan Polis Schutz) How often have you said to yourself “When I have done this I will be satisfied” only to achieve it and immediately say “OK, but when I […]

The Attraction of The Action

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Albert Einstein.  What Einstein said in the last century has become a fundamental pillar for Hansen Beck’s high-impact Leadership and Sales training programmes. Participants praise our training for showing how our imagination, our visions determine our behaviour and thus our success. In this article, we learn […]

The Importance of Empowering Others

In 1994, I started working for Microsoft, as a country manager of Microsoft Slovenia, at that time our smallest subsidiary around the globe. Our semi-annual budget meeting was coming up. One of the key parameters that we were expected to present to Steve Ballmer, the CEO, was the revenue projection. In return, we might or […]

What do you really want?

Part 5 of a 7-part series – How change led to a journey of self discovery “Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes” (Carl Gustav Jung) Getting things started can take a lot of time and effort. However, once started, events and situations have a way of generating their own momentum. When playing a […]

Millennials, Leadership, Exponentiality and “Going Viral”

What do Millennials, Leadership, Exponentiality and “Going Viral” have in common? You may have once read that : …a doctor in the USA is likely to have much more in common with a doctor in Bulgaria than he would with a US blue collar worker. Equally, the same would apply to the Bulgarian doctor in […]

What does our imagination have to do with our success?

Have you ever had the situation where a thought like “I really hope I’m not late for my meeting tomorrow – my boss would be sure to notice” comes into your head? Then the next morning you are delayed and as soon as you walk into the room everyone stops and looks at you disapprovingly? […]

Is active listening actually showing sincere interest?

Who is a good listener? Is a good salesperson the one that asks the right questions and identifies all the pain points of the customer? Is that enough? Do we all feel when someone is genuinely interested in us and is trying to help or solve our issues? Many techniques can make us competent communicators […]

How can we be more innovative?

What is the “language of innovation”? What are the drivers that generate innovation? The subject is vast, there are no recipes and there are many ways to be innovative. As it is hard to believe that innovation can be stimulated by rigid hierarchy, orders and coercion, let’s mention just a few more efficient ingredients. First […]