Are we preparing our kids for the right challenges ahead, or are we teaching them skills for the obsolete problems?
Can we prepare them for something that is not even here yet, that we don’t know how it will look?
What we do know is that change is constant. Change is imminent. Change is unavoidable. Hence the only thing we can prepare for – is change.
How to develop flexibility for unexpected obstacles?
How do we resist panicking in a situation where we don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel?
How do we resist basking in our comfort zone?
What I want is to raise an individual that will be able to adapt to change. But even better, one that will be DRIVING change. ENJOYING change.
When are we more successful? When we enjoy ourselves or when we don’t?
When are we healthier? When we enjoy ourselves or when we don’t?
How to be able to deal with TOO MUCH information?
Where to look for it? What is relevant? How to organise ourselves to prioritise?
Technology is woven in every aspect of our life – whether we want it or not. Digital literacy is a must if we’re going to survive in the modern world. Some of the organisations already know it, and some don’t. What should worry us is the lagging of our school system. The society is not quick enough to prepare our kids for this. What isthe role of an individual, especially the parent in all this? We have got all this amazing stuff that makes our world easier, exciting, but also more complex. Nobody has given us the manual on HOW to properly deal with it.
Children playing video (or rather virtual) games – fine. I am sure it gives them some skills.
But who is teaching them text editing, programming, administration, searching for information, recognising fake news (critical thinking) and above all – informational ethics? This would probably help them immensely in dealing with social media, handling bullying, knowing how to cherish privacy.
What about people? We work with people, not machines.
We are so focused on productivity, effectiveness, impact, innovation. Those are important, of course. But how do we deal with all that and not forget about the human factor? Relationships. Network. The basic human need to feel connected and accepted and part of something bigger.
Do we have SOFT skills? Do we have the SOCIAL and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE needed for collaboration, working with others? Yes, we actually have to work with others.
It’s not so different from generation to generation. Nobody prepared us for that. What will be different for generations after ours is the SPEED of change.
I don’t have the answers to all this. I would want to talk more about it and explore all the possibilities. Participate in finding the answers as co-creator of our future and the future for our kids.
Comfort zones almost don’t exist anymore. Something (parents, school, business, health, economy, technology) will inevitably rock our world. Can we prepare ourselves and our kids for the unknown? Can we afford not to?
(This article first appeared on LinkedIn April 20, 2018)